Seon Trike is a small and efficient concept transportation designed for urban environments. The lightweight body is made of aluminum, ABS plastic and carbon fiber. The mechanics systems are hidden from plain view and recharge the battery that will be used at night to turn on a pair of lights. In this way, even during the night, Seon Trike will still be visible due to its front and rear light for safety reason. This concept trike is still under development and the designer is hoping to make it commercially available in a couple of years.
Designer : Luis Alberto Cordoba Dorantes
hmm, sorry but nothing much. No ergonomic aspects. From my point of wiev very hard to get on, no room to tread (your knees will colide with handlebars) and very week steering. ( i myself make a diploma theses about recumbent bike) good luck…
good job, I think there are any problems with his knees, looks solid and comfortable I think it's perfect for its purpose as urban vehicle
Do you need test drivers
Boa noite!
Gostaria de saber o preço deste triclico.
Moro no Brasil.
Tem como enviar para mim.
Oke,,, wil het wel proberen. Ik wil het proef model aanschaffen voor 1000 euro
I would be willing to ride one in the USA to help promote if you’re interested. A gravel tire outfitted model would be ideal!
I am very excited to hear about your plans. Please do not get discouraged. Only inexperienced riders of recumbents and trike say things about the knees. Peddling and the Luxury of having electric assist is very important as a rider ages and ones to move himself/herself along out of the way of traffic.
I particularly like the framework to protect the driver and provide stability for the vehicle.
Once’s should be WANTS