Just like a car alarm, Trene Anti-Theft Monitoring Alarm watches over your laptop or gadget when you have to leave it unattended. It’s a small yet useful gadget from Japan, one of advanced countries in the world. Trene alarm is ideal for you who works a lot out of the office, it syncs with your phone app, take your phone when you leave your belongings for awhile, for example going to the toilet or ordering more food/coffee. It’ll detect any movement of your belongings and set-off the alarm sound with light ring switches to red to alert you. [Buy It Here]
It’s compact and attractive, Trene Anti-Theft Monitoring Alarm is a useful little device. Once the alarm sets-off, it’ll stop once you/your phone return. If you work in a coffee shop or coworking space, this little alarm gadget will become a great partner for you. The battery needs 2 hours to get fully charged and Trene can last for about 20 hours. However, the downside is the required app is in Japanese. [Buy It Here]
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