Tasked by Odean Robotics, a South Korean Robotics, (acasso) Inc. has designed and developed Heimdall, a facility monitoring and security robot. It looks like the name was inspired by a God in Norse mythology, the one who sees and hears everything, the watchman of the Gods. Heimdall Robot would be Odean Robotics first product, it’s an automated robot that detects any irregular activities or abnormality of machines, which are used in industrial facilities. It is specially designed to move around sites such as factories, powerplants, and construction sites.
Heimdall would collect data through its multiple sensors, all data is then processed to detect any irregularity inside the facility. It can also detect excessive heat and smoke in case of fire, at the same time, it’ll take immediate action thanks to its built-in fire extinguisher.
(acasso) Inc. aims to simply the overall appearance of a robot with such a complex multi-sensor system. Heimdall should look friendly but not cute, serious but not intimidate, hence the curvature body with straight lines throughout the overall contour of the robot. That’s why this robot uses neutral tone, it fits the main purpose of this automated monitoring robot.
Client: Odean Robotics
Creative Director: Jake Lee of (acasso) Inc.
Designer: Scott Yeom, Anda Lee
Services: Industrial Design / Mechanical Engineering / Photography
Year: 2021
Mass produce, needed worldwide, make 4X4 for outside construction projects alone, add more sensors