Nirvash concept electric motorbike has been designed with intention to develop a new eco-friendly electric vehicle with replaceable power supply. This motorbike features bold design language inspired by street fighters, racing bikes and American muscle cars from 60’s, and still this motorbike looks futuristic and unique, but recognizable.
The main goal of this project is to come up with a concept vehicle that features replaceable batteries, it will certainly reduce the cost of production and repair. This also means you can recharge your motorbike in 10 minutes, simply by replacing discharged batteries with “fresh” ones.
Designer : Olegs Zabelins and Pavels Sevcenko
Ah, the future…
cool bike !
I love this concept, but the reality of it is that people who ride motorcycles need sustained speed and MPG on current superbikes aren't that terrible. Other than the sustainability factor, what else is there to gain from this? The annoyance of charging batteries more often far surpasses the benefits in my opinion.