Submitted by Lee Rosario, Hyperlight Aeros is a futuristic vision of our next generation autonomous amphibious vehicle. This vehicle combines next-gen technology to get its passengers to their destination, no matter what. It has drone tech, aviation rotor craft, and submersible watercraft design, this certainly takes passengers to the next level of travel experience without limitation. Hyperlight Aeros soars above the clouds or glides gracefully below the waves, this is definitely not your conventional transportation, especially due to its amphibious feature.
It’s a 3-seater air-to-sea craft powered by a dual stage rear mounted Rolls Royce Hybrid Electric Jet powerplant. Designed by Lee Rosario, Aeros also features a front stabilizing fan blade enclosure. The lift is provided by front rotor and a sophisticated, computer controlled array of “blow jets”, they are located at both the top rear and bottom rear of this vehicle. The thrust comes from rear exhaust jet that is powered by electric Rolls Royce engines. There are blow-hole arrays that serve as stabilizer, it regulates water intake during submersible operation.
Hyperlight Aeros doesn’t necessary operate in deep water, it can also move in shallow water such as 20ft below water level. The cabin is fully pressurized and entirely water resistant. You can travel from a steady flight and then continue to cruise gently underwater, the transition would be awesome. Even though this futuristic vehicle is basically windowless, it employs high-tech environmental camera tracking system to project outside surroundings onto the cabin via a hi-definition curved digital plasma display. Everything can be controlled at the touch of a button. It’s a type of transportation suitable for commercial or military rescue operations.
More images Futuristic Hyperlight Aeros Amphibious Vehicle Concept:
Hyperlight Aeros specifications:
- Maximum Cruising Altitude: 20,000ft
- Maximum Operating depth below water: 20ft
- Maximum Cruising Speed above water: 250knots
- Powerplant: (2) Rolls Royce ER-5 (Type 1) Electric Fan Jets. (1) powering the rear blow jets (1) powering the front fenestron.
- Maximum Passenger Capacity: 3 full sized adults plus luggage.
Tuvie has received “Futuristic Hyperlight Aeros Amphibious Vehicle” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.
awesome, mass produce, must build, & drone use 2