Have a futuristic design/concept? Or you think it’s going to be in the future? Feel free to submit your work (or you can inform us about someone’s great designs) here, email us: publication [at] tuvie.com
1. Enter the subject with : Publication of “work title”
2. Give us unique description (minimum of 200 words) of your work, and your website info (optional). We will link your name to your website. If you can provide us good description (non duplicate with other web), your submission could be featured faster.
3. We need minimal 4 images (.jpg), 1280×800 resolution (the bigger the better). Only high quality rendered images will be published.
4. We will review your project but we don’t guarantee coverage (unless you purchase a sponsored post).
5. Subscribe to our newsletter (powered by Follow.it) or wait to see your work on our homepage.
PS : We might ignore articles that miss any of the above steps. Don’t use Hotmail, MSN, Live, or Outlook email provider as their servers automatically reject our email.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Tuvie Publisher Team