Anime Lovers, in collaboration with world-famous manga and anime, Casio has released Casio Men’s G-Shock One Piece Watch. It’s a limited edition of popular G-Shock series, offering you durable wristwatch with your favorite Anime theme, a must-have collectible for fans. Using G-Shock GA-110 model, this special edition watch features printed style images of Monkey D. Luffy, including that iconic elements associated with him such as his straw hat. Featuring black as its base color, this One Piece themed watch would look really cool on your wrist, especially among anime lovers. The combination of red and white creates a perfect tones to enhance the overall theme in the design. [Buy It Here]
Casio Men’s G-Shock One Piece Watch looks cool at first sight, yet once you wear the watch and take a good look at it, you’ll be amazed with its intricate details. For example when the hands point to number 2 and 4, you’ll notice Luffy’s facial scar starts to appear, there’s a “Wanted” sign displayed at 3. This watch is water and shock resistant, practical and sturdy enough for outdoors use. This special edition watch also comes with a special case. One more thing though, since it’s a special edition watch for Japan, the instructions are also in Japanese. [Buy It Here]