With expanding cities and dearth of parking spaces, more and more emphasis is being given to ecological vehicles. The vehicles are designed on aspects such as space and security elements. Goran Marinkovic has come out with what he calls Concept Embryo, a two-seater urban vehicle.
Concept Car Embryo is powered by fuel cells which uses clean fuels like hydrogen. It is completely ecological as it is made of recyclable aluminum and silicon materials used mostly for interior elements. Design wise, it looks like an organism, however safety wise too, it derives the same thought. Soft material is used for exterior while inside it has a protective layer to absorb the impact and keep the passengers safe. The safety system also acts as a communicating system for information like speed, distance etc. and if necessary auto pilot also reacts to avoid possible accidents. With all these safety and design features it surely is a winner in robotic era.
Designer : Goran Marinkovic
I would love to purchase such a wonderful unit as this, Embryo, if this is at all a possability LMK.
Send me an e-mail, thanks, Brett
when will it come out
is this a concept or there is a prototype available.
has the engine been designed?
Very interesting concept.
I love it, beautiful design, ideal vehicle for inner city driving yet also great for the highway. Please make the price atractive for the average person to purchase. I trave 45 minutes one way country roads to work and with the cost of fuel going up daily this concept vehicle would be in great demand.
I would like to see it happen soon.
I would say that is has a very interesting design and stuff like that , but you would think that a vehicle would actually have a trunk.
with this car shoud be change almost all of the roads and parkings
yea its a gud car please i would love to buy one that is like that please send me details if the car is available.
It seems like as isaac said before, this car needs storage space but a traditional trunk probably isn't the way to go. Maybe something like in the new vans where the storage is under the seat or under where your feet are.
How much is it and when will it come out? It looks like a sweet ride.
This is a great-looking vehicle that is sure to inspire a greater generation of car concept design. It not only looks amazing but it's also a smart way to travel. Saving parking space, making it affordable. This is the designing of the future of hybrid/electric/eco-fuel engineering. I want to see this in 2020…
HaHa. You shouldn't have put this on the internet. We are a lego robotics team. Thanks for the ideas.
This looks brilliant .. totally awsom id buy one
😀 :):):):):):):):):):) !!! ''x
It's always a relief when someone with obivuos expertise answers. Thanks!
2017 And it hasn’t happened yet? What is the problem?
the investor …
When will this be available for purchase?