Submitted by Esmail Ghadrdani, Cubecor is a concept wooden construction toy to children off video games. Nowadays, many children are attached to electronic devices, sooner or later, they will be addicted to screens. Cubecor is a traditional game that wants to unplug children from technology for awhile and help them develop creativity and logical-thinking skills. Each set consists of multiple small cube that can be attached to one another.
Children can use those small cubes to build a large cube in many different ways, the limit is their creativity. There are various easy connections such as Velcro, pins, or magnets. It’s pretty exciting to find those connections, connect them and complete the cube.
Cubecor Wooden Construction Toy by Esmail Ghadrdani has been designed to enhance children creativity, it also helps improve fine motor skills through fittings and putting together those cubes. This cube is designed with a system that can be new to user every single day. Children can find new ways to complete the puzzle, they can seek different parts to fill each other, as imagination is limitless, Cubecor doesn’t need prep-programmed outcomes.
Tuvie has received “Cubecor Wooden Construction Toy” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.