Robert Dumaresq has designed a superb bicycle named Switch Commuter Bike which is a high performance foldable bike keeping easy handling in busy places in mind. This bike was develop to attain the need for a full functional bicycle especially for commuter use and encourages people to utilize pedal power as their main mode of transport which will develop a healthier life style and environment. The main target users of this bike are those who would like to ride from here to there because of their employment. The added bonus is that this bike can easily fit at public places and can be stored in a small place at your home.
Designer : Robert Dumaresq
Hi all
I would like to get some contact details for Robert Dumaresq.
Can you help me with that?
Thank you
Would be very interested in details of the Switch re weight, sizes, pricing, equipment (brakes, gearing, seating, wheels, etc,) and if it is available for viewing/purchasing.
I second that Phil. What's the price and weight. Speed (gears) also. Looks so rad. I'd say it'd be priced around the A$4,000 mark due to low production, carbon fibre and novel design. Worth at least $2,500 me thinks.
Anyone to get me info I'll give them a $50 finders fee if I can buy one before 1st August 2009. Twitter me at h**p://
An interesting concept to be sure but the price will be high. If it costs more than the new $2300 IF MODE, selling the bike will be tough. With the MODE's fluid & fast folding action, enclosed drive train, clean lines, perfectly parallel wheels (when folded) and built in hand hold (for rolling the bike when folded), the MODE is the new gold standard in folding bikes.
The Switch folds easily enough but the wheels are not exactly in line, making the Switch awkward to roll folded. When folded, the Switch is bigger than the MODE and the drive train is totally exposed (resulting in more maintenance than the MODE). All the same, it is impressive that Robert designed this bike at just 23…