The new concept car designed by Andre Fangueiro is an interesting concept both design and utility wise. As per the designer, the inspiration for designing “Caravela” has been to make the congested urban highway space more interesting with innovative designs. And it’s an icing on the cake if the car is eco friendly apart from being different and compact. It is based on the three – wheeled Piaggio Ape- which was designed for elderly people but what takes the cake in case of Caravela is the overall design element. Add to that, the zero emission hydrogen engine with a top speed of 70kmph, well now you have a winner at hand.
Designer : André Fangueiro via EcoFriend
your design is amazing
can you tell me about steering and suspension spesification for this vehicle. How can this vehicle have that camber and caster?thx very much
i like it so much
This looks like a really cool bike or would u call it somethin else? But anyway when will these be sold? I would love to get one and yea the steering how does it work
Be neat 2 me as a Rental, maybe sales to= Motorbike but thats it.
Need some luggage space for picnic basket or short store runs alone.
Locales for Sales, Rentals:
HI, Mex, US, So EU, Canada, .
Cruise around HI in this baby & head to market for goods, drive home,
Or to school or job??
Needs Hardtop for bad weather usage.
how steering thing works? is it steered frm back or what?