Virgin America teamed up with Eleven Inc. and SearchnDesign in Milan to design and develop the world’s first Virgin America First Class Shoes. It’s a one of a kind item, there’s only one pair of shoes in the world. The design is based on Virgin America’s First Class amenities, these shoes are designed and created with WiFi, moodlighting, First Class leather, a built-in phone charger, and a video display. Available as a one-time auction, the money will be donated to Soles4Souls, a non-profit charity committed to fight poverty by distributing shoes and clothing.
Are you an airline enthusiast? You might want to join the bidding process, it’s going to be a piece of historic aviation memorabilia. These shoes are hand crafted in Milan, Italy using high-quality Italian white leather. It features stainless steel seat buckle accent, video display, USB phone charger, recharable battery up to 3 hours of battery life, Wi-Fi, and of course, embossed Virgin America logo.
Designer : Eleven, Inc. [Buy It Here]