Ford “Autolivery” Self-Driving Delivery Concept Van with Drones

Ford “Autolivery” Self-Driving Delivery Concept Van with Drones

Ford has a vision what’s going to be like in the “City of Tomorrow”. Drones would play an important part in this modern phenomenon, Ford Autolivery is a concept delivery van that work together with drones to improve mobility in future urban areas. Implementing self-driving van, this vehicle would transport everything in very quick and […]

Superloop Intersection for Self-Driving Cars by Atis Sedlenieks and Dārta Dambe

Superloop Intersection for Self-Driving Cars by Atis Sedlenieks and Dārta Dambe

Superloop has been designed as part as competition project for Tallinn Architecture Biennale “Self-Driven City”. The project was awarded honorable mention. This proposal is intended for time when autonomous cars will be 100% main city transportation. What will that mean for city streets and intersections? Time is most valuable unit and humankind always are longed […]

Google Self-Driving Car Could Be The Future of Our Mobility

Google Self-Driving Car Could Be The Future of Our Mobility

Google has released some images related to its Self Driving car project, it looks like a toy though, cute and compact. The progress looks good so far, imagine that you can go downtown for lunch without having to deal with the burden of driving or wasting 20 minutes to find parking. If this project comes […]

Navia Self-Driving Electric Shuttle Car Is A Great Alternative to Public Transports in Urban Areas

Navia Self-Driving Electric Shuttle Car Is A Great Alternative to Public Transports in Urban Areas

Navia Self-Driving Electric Shuttle Car is the result of partnership between Induct Technology and Switzerland’s Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). It is said that Navia is world’s first automated electric shuffle car that offers eco-friendly alternative to public transports or private cars in urban areas. This vehicle can accommodate up to 8 passengers with […]

Nissan IMk All Electric Concept Car with Self-Parking Feature

Nissan IMk All Electric Concept Car with Self-Parking Feature

Nissan IMk, it’s a futuristic concept vehicle that demonstrates latest electrification and autonomous driving technologies from Nissan. It’s a full-electric, self-parking city car that will be displayed during Tokyo Auto Show. This vehicle name comes from Nissan’s series of Intelligent Mobility while the letter “K” means kei class of minicars, which are popular in Japan. […]

Ethec Electric Motorcyle Offers Mobility Solution for Better Efficiency, Safety, and Driving Experience

Ethec Electric Motorcyle Offers Mobility Solution for Better Efficiency, Safety, and Driving Experience

Ethec Electric Motorcycle aims to provide urban solution for mobility through an efficient and practical mechanism that is made possible by their newly developed technologies. It’s a concept motorcycle that can retrieve its own braking power to complement the existing electric power. Energy storages have limited capacities, this motorcycle can use available energy more efficiently […]

Scewo Stair Climbing Wheelchair Features Self-Balancing Technology

Scewo Stair Climbing Wheelchair Features Self-Balancing Technology

The problem for wheelchair-bound users is when they have to climb the stair to reach to their destination, this can be frustrating. Scewo wheelchair has been designed with self-balancing technology allowing this wheelchair to rotate on spot or driving over curbs without getting stuck. Well, at this moment, it’s still a prototype but under active […]


Hyperice Normatec 3 Legs Dynamic Air Compression for Faster Body Recovery

Hyperice releases Normatec 3, the next generation of dynamic air compression to raise your wellness and performance. It’s the next evolution of Normatec Series where it uses dynamic air compression to provide faster body recovery and it is loved by athletes as it helps optimize their training and performance. It features Normatec’s patented precision pulse technology that increases your blood […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
Zero Scooter : Self-Balancing Scooter with NineBot Engine

Zero Scooter : Self-Balancing Scooter with NineBot Engine

Inspire by Corradino D’Ascanio, motor scooter inventor, Bel&Bel has developed Zero Scooter, the first self-balancing scooter. For the electronics and mechanics, the company relies on world’s leading brand NineBot, making Zero Scooter one of best products in electronic and technologic parts as well. This personal EV features iconic Vespa design but with a Segway-like driving […]

VITREOUS Framework for Self-Driven Cars with Flexible Seating Arrangements

VITREOUS Framework for Self-Driven Cars with Flexible Seating Arrangements

Trending autonomous car concepts and projects have revealed a possible future of self-driven cars. This radical idea of a ‘driver-less’ car brings new ways of ‘seeing’ and ‘using’ a car, challenging current modes of personal transportation where proportion, interior, controls and seating arrangements are usually set in place and beyond the user’s decision. The prospect […]

ZOOX Level 4 Mobility Company Features Bi-Directionality Driving System

ZOOX Level 4 Mobility Company Features Bi-Directionality Driving System

Eventually autonomous technology is going to replace our conventional car. Driverless car might be said a new technology to us, but you can read in the news, currently giant auto manufacturers are developing their autonomous technology, pushing technology forward to reduce road accidents with self-driving cars. Zoox Level 4 Mobility Company is an autonomous vehicle […]

“Drive Further” Brings You The Idea of Driving for Fun

“Drive Further” Brings You The Idea of Driving for Fun

Drive Further is an automotive design concept that was born out of our desires to travel greater distances faster and in a more enjoyable manner. Imagine sitting in one of these machines, feeling the breeze and taking in the wide open spaces as you cruise by at 90. The wide undercarriage allows for greater stability […]

Citroën eCV Concept Car Is an Attempt to Bring Iconic Citroën 2CV Into The 21th Century

Citroën eCV Concept Car Is an Attempt to Bring Iconic Citroën 2CV Into The 21th Century

This project wants to bring back the iconic Citroën 2CV (Chevaux Vapeur) into our modern world. In 1949, Citroën introduced the 2CV, now, 70 years later, Martin Hajek re-imagines all electric, self-driving Citroën eCV, a 21st century make-over. Even though this is not the first attempt to bring that classic car into this century just […]

Metropolis : Futuristic Empathic Wheel Shaped Police Drone

Metropolis : Futuristic Empathic Wheel Shaped Police Drone

Adolfo Esquivel has made Charles Bombardier’s vision into futuristic digital model. Metropolis is a future vision of patrol drone equipped with a holographic avatar programmed to interact with citizens. Charles explains the avatar would look like BIT from the TRON movie with empathy module in order to recognize and understand human emotions. The possibility is […]

Smart for Kids : An Autonomous Vehicle for Kids by Ryan Olsson

Smart for Kids : An Autonomous Vehicle for Kids by Ryan Olsson

With the rise of autonomous self driving vehicles, individual transportation can be utilized by not only adults but children. These children will have unique demands for the cars that they use. Automatic crash avoidance, interactive display panels and unique seating arrangements will allow tomorrows youth to readily adopt this new individual transportation system. Having the […]

Movr – It Transforms Delivery Robot To Ridable Personal Robot

Movr – It Transforms Delivery Robot To Ridable Personal Robot

Movr Ridable Personal Robot is a concept mobility that bridges movement and activity. It aims to redefine mobility as “ro-bility”, a device that’s capable to transition from robot to mobility mode, supporting your lifestyle. This robot can handle multiple tasks from purchasing items to picking it up, navigating its environment autonomously through digital map and […]