Wearing face mask can slow down the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), however, not everyone can get access to face mask as fast as they want. “Print Your Mask” is a special project from Germain Verbrackel that helps you to make printable masks at home, free, and disposable.
We are facing global mask shortage, this DIY face mask project offers a free solution that is hoped to spread faster than the spread of the virus. Using only a piece of paper, a shoelace, and adhesive tape, you get yourself a disposable face mask. Watch the video below.
This paper face mask aims to protect its wearer and their environment against droplet projections that cause COVID-19 infection. Thanks to the internet, this free tutorial and the template can be accessed just about anyone worldwide. A disposable mask also reduces the risk of contamination that might exist with reusable masks.
Yes, it might not be as comfortable as wearing a cotton/silk mask, you can place a bandage on you nose to improve comfort. It’s a useful mask for punctual errands, perhaps 1h maximum? We recommend that you also add another layer of tissue paper when you wear this paper mask for more protection.
Reminder: This is not a respiratory mask. It is not filtering and not sealed. It aims to work as a physical barrier (Like surgical masks) to limit droplet projections and therefore protect others. Homemade masks won't protect you against breathing micro particles but can limit the spread. We need masks for all to protect each other. It is an attempt at making a very simple and accessible physical barrier. To fight the global spread, it has to be an empathetic and collective effort. Feel free to check the website to see more: http://www.printyourmask.online .