Bluelarix has teamed up with Philips and Weightwatchers to design ActiveLink 2.0 activity monitor, the second generation of a wearable gadget that helps you to get in shape. This device can only be used when you have an account with weight watchers, small but mighty, it’s a great addition to your plan to get you up and be more active. Try to wear this activity monitor for 8 days, you’ll get pretty accurate assessment of your activity level, ActiveLink would then learn about your move and create customized goals depend on how active you are.
Maintain activity levels through your smartphone through Bluetooth syncing dedicated Activelink app. This wearable gadget is your all-in-one activity and sleep monitor. Take this activity monitor wherever you go, walking, running, taking the stairs, etc., it’ll sync your activity with your Weight Watchers online account.
Designer : Bluelarix [Buy It Here]