The unique design of OMNI sound speaker concept will let you always be inside a sound stage, even when you are moving around your living room. With the world renowned brand name ALTEC LANSING, this omni-directional speaker will let you experience the completeness of sound. This heavily constructed futuristic speaker system has less structure vibrations and advanced sound quality. The system incorporates one woofer, one mid-range speaker and tweeter on the top, and all these components are separated from each other through using a ceramic plate. OMNI will not only offer you enhanced music experience, also the décor of the interior of your house will become more alluring.
Designer : Nuno Teixeira
These were concept designs submitted for a contest on designboom – check out all the entries and winners here
Sorry Paris Welton, after seeing the other entries, definitely this is a winner. Saw many things like copy-past of existing Plantronics Bluetooth Mobile Headsets…and the contest name it´s "SOUND INNOVATION". Can you show other entries, love to see the others. Thanks
That concept is a nice COPY of the design and (patented) technics used in the “Bella Luna Diamante” by the German speaker manufacturer Duvel:
I agree with de Silva, this is a winner. Very modern.