Food prep can be difficult when you are outdoor, but carrying one would be impractical since a prep board is usually heavy. nCamp wants to solve this problem by designing a collapsible, lightweight prep cutting board for outdoor adventurers. This board features compact design with elevated work surface, it offers you a clean place to prepare or enjoy your meal. The aluminum and stainless steel frame and legs are strong enough to support whatever food preparation you’re about to do on its surface, it also nests perfectly with nCamp Stove.
Designed by nCamp Gear with bamboo top surface, it means that the surface is naturally anti-microbial. It is also lightly coated with a vegetable oil finish and very easy to clean. nCamp Collapsible Cutting Board is a nice addition to your campsite, not just for food preparation but also for eating your meal or an additional work space. [Buy It from Amazon]