Designed for Kohler, Rivlet is a special project designed to embrace cultural nuances of the bathroom rituals across different communities. It’s a Wudu all-in-one station for the community with special feature that lessens the pan points of ablution a.k.a. Wudu steps. Wudu is part of Islamic procedure for cleansing parts of the body, it’s a type of ritual purification and typically done before salah.
Unfortunately, in countries where Muslims are religious minority, they don’t provide special area in the bathroom for this special cleansing ritual. Therefore, many of Muslims use bathroom sink to wash their body parts, including their feet, which makes other people feel uncomfortable. Kohler Rivlet wants to change this condition.
Claimed to be the first of its kind on the market, Kohler Rivlet by NextOfKin Creatives is a dual-use bathroom washbasin and cabinet. It is designed with an integrated foot washer for normal washing up and Islamic self-cleansing ritual. This design prevents a wet floor and unhygienic bathroom conditions.
The tall faucet of Rivlet helps to eliminate spillage, while that pull-down foot washer releases a gentle stream of water where you can use to wash your foot inside the footplate. The footplate is crafted with special designed textures that reflect purity and cleanliness, it mimics the ritual of washing your foot by clean river or ocean. When you’re done, simply tuck it away into the cabinet. There are handrails that you can use as support during the washing process.
Client: Kohler
Sector: Bathroom
Discipline: Visual Language, Product Design, Colours Material Finishes
Product Design: Jexter Lim, Sim Hao Jie, Rodney Loh
Motion Design: Deborah Wong
Hi, how much are you selling this for?
Hi could you please tell me where could I buy one of the Kohler Rivlet (Wudu All in one Station) in England possibly Web site or at the store. Thank you
As far as we know, it's only concept.
Hi, where can I get this kohler rivelett all in o e wudu station from in Uk?
And how much is this for ?
Hello. How can we get it? How much does it cost?
Hi. Please shear information how to get it and the cost.
Is thia available for shipment worldwide. Where is your company based??
Ich möchte dieses Produkt käuflich erwerben. Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich.
Who’s the retailer in Australia
What’s the price and how can I get it in Nigeria
Hi how much is this unit?
How can get one of this to India , world wide shipment available
Hi Abdulla, as far as we know, it's only concept.
Is this available in South Africa
Please give details of outlet selling wudu cabinet.
Where can I get this is Vancouver Canada.
What is the price I need 2 of them
It’s only concept