KIDETIC is a fun project to teach children about relationship between energy, interaction and fun. This project addresses this connection by installing power generator mechanism onto playground’s recreational equipments. Electricity is a basic necessity that is in high demand globally, however there are areas where proper electric grids are non existent or power supply is not constant. As the result, the need to develop autonomous power generation system has become increasingly important. By providing the solution of this issue, it will also teach children to be more responsible of their energy consumption while putting it to good use. In the world of video games, children have become socially isolated. Through KIDETIC project, these industrial designers try to encourage children to become more physically and socially active with its reward-based system.
Designers : Funfere Koroye, Andrew Simeoni and Joel Lim
Tuvie has received Kidetic project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.
They have these at the SciTrek museum and my kids love it… We need stuff like this in schools.
my elementary school is doing a kinetic energy playground project:)
what is the dimensions of the teeter totter
how much are all these equipments? i am doing a park design challenge at school and we need the budget to put it down for a list of ideas.