AETRAL 878 Collective is world’s first premium smart sailing apparels designed and manufactured in Hungary. These high-tech clothing items want to address unresolved issues of professional sailing through technology and innovative material, attempting to increase performance of both leisure sailors and professional athletes. This collection features future materials to manufacture empowering clothes for land, water, and air, the first commercial model of this project is 878 Sailing Jacket. Made of Dyneema and Nobel Prize winning, Graphene, this jacket has been tested outside the laboratory, it’s ready for your adventure of the seas.
Partnering with AETRAL, the company was very involved in the design process, the main task was to visualize 3D content in various different ways. 878 Sailing Jacket features embedded foldable screen that works as extension of your sailing instruments. It has a tiny onboard unit that works with your mobile app to project a set of selected data onto your arm. The whole team would have the access of all information needed to improve sailing performance, wherever you are on the boat won’t matter anymore, the data can be access right from your arm. The jacket is lighter than your average sailing suit, it is waterproof and customisable thanks to 3D body scanning feature.