Accompanying Wheelchair Slides Out an Extra Seat for a Caregiver/Companion

Our existing wheelchairs are designed just for the comfort of its user. Most caregivers aren’t part of consideration when it comes to wheelchair design, yet they can get tired after extended period of standing and walking while pushing the wheelchair.

Accompanying Wheelchair is a special wheelchair design that considers the needs of a caregiver that pushes the wheelchair. A thoughtful wheelchair design that provides a sliding seat for a caregiver to take a rest.

Accompanying Wheelchair by C60Design

Accompanying Wheelchair is a concept project that aims to create heart-to-heart communication between users and a family member/caregiver/friend. Designed by C60Design as a mobility solution, this wheelchair gets user around with additional feature for a caregiver/friend, it’s a little feature that enhances socialization between the user and a companion. It is particularly relevant design for hospitals. The seat sliding mechanism makes it easy to stow away when not in use.

Accompanying Wheelchair by C60Design

Accompanying Wheelchair by C60Design

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