It’s good to hear from Avi Cohen again, a talented industrial designer who always submit cool projects. This time, he submitted Universal Picker Upper For Seniors.
We developed this instrument as part of a community project we initiated. This device is using a technology that is being used in the robotics world. The universal robotic arm end-effector is being used here to help seniors with picking up small items off the floor. One of the most common complaints we hear seniors mentioning is the fact that they cannot pick up small items off the floor with common pickers. Small items like pills and small change is very hard to pick with any picker on the market. We at Vertex Product Development decided to use a well proven technology as the universal picker in this low tech solution. This product can pick items as big as cups and eye-glasses to small 50-80 mg size pills.
Designer : Avi Cohen
Tuvie has received “Universal Picker Upper For Seniors” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.
You can see it in action here: