Ap Verheggen has designed a concept solar powered device that produces condensation for drinking: WaterDrop. This project is the next part after a conceptual solar-powered leaf that produces water in the desert, but it’s not practical due to its size. WaterDrop is a hand held device where you can place outside in the sun to generate energy, this energy is used to cool the air for condensation, resulting water drips in the container.
According to World Resource Institue, in 2040, we might have to face extreme water scarcity. It’s crucial that we race to find innovative solutions to avoid this problem. In order to add minerals, Ap recommends to add small rocks, the spout is a built-in replaceable carbon water filter. Ap also realizes that this idea might sound like science-fiction, however, it’s only matter of time before we can create all those materials needed to develop this product.
Designer : Ap Verheggen
SunGlacier Solar-powered Leaf Project