LOG is an innovative product that keeps various aspects into consideration during the design process. It’s a digital iPhone bumper that notifies user various information as daily updates.
This bumper’s structure is sectioned in half in order to incorporate digital interface that display notifications without turning on your phone. Gesture enabled basic technology implemented in order to get the daily notifications on the side bar of your phone without anyone getting to know about your phone usage in a busy meeting. You can keep track of the time and date along with other features such as the battery level, message notifications, emails, and even temperature.
Designer : Subinay Malhotra
A product like Log is not a need, but more like a requirement to approach this fast developing lifestyle of people in the world. Injection molded PC plastic and silicon provides strength and keeps phone away from damages. Following the lines of the existing iPhone helps to maintain the aesthetics and provides basic functionality when and where needed.
The time is displayed at the top of the cover so that when the phone is kept in your shirt pocket, you can easily see or read the information without even taking the phone out. LED light with fade effect is installed to make the phone gives subtle hints for new notifications.
Tuvie has received “Log Digital iPhone Bumper” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.
WOW! Great bumper. I want
how about the essential ph-1? really needs one of these.
[email protected]