Life Tent from Go Time Gear is a nylon tent that functions as an emergency shelter when needed. There’s nothing wrong in having a backup tent whenever you go camping or hiking, in fact, you should also keep it as part of your car survival kit. Life Tent is a weatherproof 2-person tent designed to keep you warm and dry in rain, wind, and snow. The material is tear and puncture-resistant PET mylar, the interior is capable to reflect 90% of your body heat, yet it packs down at just 5.25”x3.25” sack. This reusable tent allows you to escape from bad weather without weighing you down. [Buy It Here]
Go Time Gear Life Tent is quick to set up, the thermal emergency tube tent can be set up fast between trees. You can weigh it down with some gear or rocks for extra stability. Just in case no trees are available, simply wrap it around yourself just like an emergency sleeping bag, bivvy sack, blanket, or bivvy bag.
The tent also comes with 120 decibel whistle and 20FT Paracord, these tools are designed for emergencies, the whistle can alert rescuers up to 1-mile away. The 550lb nylon core para-synch drawstring can be used to tie down or repair gear and other backpacking supplies. We highly recommend this tent to become part of your camping kit. [Buy It Here]