Commodore 64 and Amiga still have special place in the heart of every tech geek that lived in the era of informatic pioneers. Retro gaming and 8 bit music/graphics are still alive and kicking and the number of aficionados grows everyday. GivingShape created a simple tribute to a company that (for almost two decades) has been synonymous of “informatics for all” world wide.
Commodore 64 is the most sold PC in the world, but nowadays PCs are disappearing, replaced by smartphones and tablets. That’s why GivingShape design has designed a concept smartphone based on Commodore’s products style but updated to today’s technology. The DNA of beautiful machines such as C-64 and Amiga summed up in a smartphone equipped with the latest technologies, hoping that Commodore will once again become the wonderful company that caught the imagination of a million of kids.
Designer : Massimo Battaglia
Tuvie has received “Commodore 64 Branded Smartphone Concept” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.
"but nowadays PCs are disappearing"… And by what numbers would that be? I don't know anyone who threw out their computer, be it windows, mac or linux based, and said that he doesn't need one since he bought smartphone or tablet…