Chukka is a patent pending concept device that intrigues the user to interact. This concept device is consists of several freely movable beads tied with cable, allowing hitting together for an enjoyable motion or enable two balanced sections to energetically swing between the fingers.
This concept device can be held in ways that is comfortable by the user and enables the utilization of the index finger and thumb. Most amazingly, this device can produce electrical energy by any kind of movement, even slight vibration persuades electricity, which is used to charge this device. More energetic interactions, such as, swinging the device repetitively between and around the index finger and thumb, gives a greater charge. The user can learn, develop and combine varieties of techniques for not only powering the device, but also increase the hand dexterity and coordination.
The track control section includes an electromagnetic inducer that generates an electric charge for the device from any kind of vibration or motion. The volume control segment includes all the major electronic modules of the device, including phono input, headphone output, memory storage unit and logic board. The volume control contains basic controls only and no screen, allows less energy requirement. The soft exterior casing of both main parts and beads provide easy grip and tactility, and is consists of thermoplastic polyurethane, which is an energy efficient material to manufacture and consequently, can be effectively recycled. The inner casing is made of stainless steel and provides protection to the electrical equipments and offers a tactile weight to the device. Aside from giving the device a unique form, the cable connects the two sections and transfer energy to all other components from the power supply.
Revealing the cable detach screws can be done by pulling out the soft outer casing. Unscrewing these will separate the entire device into different components that will let the user customize, repair and replace the components. Adjusting volume and track selection can be controlled by turning the end beads within the consequent end sections. The power and play or pause is controlled by clicking the beads into the sections.
Designer : Thomas Mascall
FREAKKKiiiNNNN k00l!!!