Autonomous vehicles have opened great possibility of better riding experience, keeping this in mind, Individual Autonomy is a concept vehicle that explores the possible future of autonomous private vehicle. It questions how people would occupy themselves while riding an autonomous car, including the type of relationship between user and their private vehicle.
A private/personal car, even though it is designed with compact body, it should still provide abundance of space where passenger can still enjoy their hobbies and interests inside the vehicle. In order to achieve this goal, Individual Autonomy has been designed with modular system and customizable furnishing system.
The exterior of Individual Autonomy car can be customized with a range of dedicated parts too. The future plan would be to work together between car and furnishing industry to develop new business models for this concept. Through this project, Changan Automobile aims to strengthen relationship between vehicle and user by allowing user to furnish their car interior space with their own taste and style. Individual Autonomy can function not just as a vehicle, but also “a third place” between work and home where user can feel cozy and relax. It’s not just for the freedom of driving, but also the freedom of expression.