The delicate combination of hi-tech carbon materials with grain bruyere wood and alluringly curved lines has made the Purisme Pipe an uncommon piece. This concept has transformed the age-old shaped conventional pipe into a hypermodern powerful design which brings ergonomics to comprehensive perfection along the way. The pipe head is designed in a unique up side down method which strands perfectly upright and when you set it down, it can manage the balance easily and effectively. Purisme pipe is not just a new method of getting pleasure from smoking; it is the ultimate comeback of a smoking pipe to the area of trend, cult and technology.
Designer : Purisme
"it is the ultimate comeback of a smoking pipe to the area of trend, cult and technology."
Ojection! No, it definetly do not.
– Area of trend?
Pipe smoking – cigarettes and other chemicals are mostly banned from public places. Also they are cancerous. Most high-tech materials are used by Airbus and Boeing for their aircraft productions. Thus this luxurious pipe can not become a trend, a trend like this must reach in cheaper-consumer-bazaars, then it can called as a trend.
– Ergonomics?
When smoking a pipe, if it's up right like that without a traditional S style, do you know… that smoke is going right up "in" to your face and eyes in most cases? This is not a smoke-pipe of American-natives, at least it was straight like that and at least 20-30cm long. "unique up side down method which strands perfectly upright and when you set it down, " you put a pipe on it's left or right side because of you are done with it. You never leave it in a balance. If it was needed all pipes made since today has it. You do not put down a pipe. You hold it with your teeth or between your hands from the bottom.
– Cult/Culture
Smoking pipe culture, all traditional pipes has signs of "self-check". Especially Sepiolit pipes become nicotine-yellow in time, this means it's all pores are filled with nicotine so you can change your pipe or do somethingelse with this pore-filled one. The rose wood made ones are the same in most cases.
… the designer, did not make a research. I can lend that designer my grandfathers pipe collection and memories.
Mert Can-
I'm sorry to have to say this, but you need to do a bit of research of your own. I'll look past all of your grammatical errors and just correct your awkwardly stated and obviously biased remarks.
Among young adults, pipe smoking is definitely expanding it's base. Either as a step down from cigarettes on the way to giving them up, an attempt not to completely give in to peer pressure, or just as an effort to "keep it classy", pipe and pipe tobacco sales are on the rise. The trend is already here. One will soon begin to notice this in popular culture.
Many other products other than airplanes use carbon fiber. Though fabrication of large perfectly machined objects can be expensive (i.e. the body of a plane) it is relatively cheap compared with other materials which have to be Hand crafted when pipemaking, so that comment is right out. Many pipes have already combined several different materials to enhance ones smoking pleasure. From Falcons, Vikings, and 'Air Cooled' Kirsten's aluminum bodies with briar bowls (this article specifically mentions "bruyere," which is the same thing in french), to the gourd bodied Calabash with meerschaum bowl, there is quite the variety of differing views on how to get the best, coolest smoke. Though this looks as though it would be high-end, it would probably be marketed as a mid-range new-age pipe, (like the Kirsten's of Seattle of the Forties, who's designer was, in fact, a Boeing engineer.)
Yes pipe smoke can occasionally get in your face, though this is true with any pipe. I have smoked many pipes of various styles shapes and smokability; everything from strait pipes, eighth, quarter, half, three-quarter bent, full oom-paul, churchwarden, television, to calabash, and now an again (as Fred Astaire once sang) "smoke gets in your eyes."
Every so often, one does not have time to finish a full bowl of tobacco, or needs to set it down without spilling the ash, coal, and tobacco itself (say to go inside a non-smoking establishment for a refill on one's coffee.) In these circumstances, if one does not carry around a pipe-rest, a sitter pipe is required. The pipe in this article would be classified under that category. The reasoning behind a lit pipe being held upright while "sitting" is so that it says lit (thus not requiring one to waste another match.) Briar and cherrywood pipes need a day in between smoking to 'rest,' (this just means to let all the moisture dry out of it or settle in the base of the bowl.) When a pipe is resting you ALWAYS leave it upright "in a balance." Repeatedly leaving a resting pipe on the same side after smoking it can easily ruin your pipe. There are many sitters currently in production and have been for many years, it is just yet another style of pipe.
I have no idea what is meant by the term "self check" when referring to when a pipe will go bad. If well maintained and taken care of any tobacco pipe will be a better smoke the longer one smokes it.
"Sepiolite" by which I believe you mean a complex form of magnesium silicate or "Meerschaum" is a popular alternative for briar. The extremely porous and very light rock is carved (usually rather intricately) into a pipe, then coated with beeswax. Contrary to popular belief it is THIS which colors into the deep yellows, then golden browns, and eventually black with the heat of each bowl of tobacco smoked. Though I'm sure some tars must get into the mineral eventually, one of the pluses of smoking out of a meerschaum pipe is the fact that (again, if well maintained) there is no residual taste of the previous tobacco. I have never heard of a well cared for pipe (other than corncob) going bad.
It was not the conceptual artist's job to research everything to do with tobacaina subculture, though I'm sure he or she knows much more about the subject than you.
Personally I love the concept of mixing carbon fiber, briar and some sort of alloy in the making of a new style pipe. I'd be interested in the artist's view on how this would affect airflow and how one would accomplish lighting this pipe, (possibly capping the top and lighting from the bottom?) If this were to ever go into into production I would definitely consider adding it to my collection.
Dave you are so nice.
Interesting idea to try and blend new culture and technology with an old concept, but the alluring thing about the smoking pipe is that of the craftsman ship, its beauty of the wooden peice. it would be good though to see maybe a different style of smoking, rather than just combining two things together instead try and create something original to smoke with.