Facebook and Internet.org Want to Connect The World From The Sky With Free Space Optical Communication

Facebook and Internet.org Want to Connect The World From The Sky With Free Space Optical Communication

Connecting the whole world to the internet using Free space optical communication, or FSO. It’s an ambitious project of Facebook and Internet.org to bring affordable basic internet services to everyone in the world. Let’s face it, at this moment, there are still many places without any phone connection, let alone internet connection. We all have […]

Snorkelboard : Swim Board with Anti-Fog Goggles

Snorkelboard : Swim Board with Anti-Fog Goggles

Snorkeling becomes easier for people who have ear infection, Snorkelboard allows you to observe underwater life without being fully equipped with anti-fog goggles. It’s a swim board actually, with a twist. There’s a transparent diving mask-like built into it so you can swim on this vinyl-coated foam board and peek into underwater attractions. Most people […]

Modern Flatseat Bench by Hakan Gursu

Modern Flatseat Bench by Hakan Gursu

Flatseat Bench has been designed for both indoor and outdoor use, it’s simple, yet convenient street furniture. Using a composite deck material made of industrially scrap wood, it is a highly durable, long lasting product regardless of environmental conditions. The combination of steel elements with colorful seating, it is designed for contemporary environments. Designer : […]

Leveraged Freedom Chair for Disabled People in Developing Countries

Leveraged Freedom Chair for Disabled People in Developing Countries

Standard wheelchair is not enough when you have to go through rough terrain, this is the problem that Leveraged Freedom Chair wants to tackle. To millions of disabled people, wheelchair is a great aid for mobility, what if we can increase the flexibility of this chair regardless nature’s condition? This idea makes Continuum to work […]

Re-Fire Kit Brings Back Primitive Fire Making Experience

Re-Fire Kit Brings Back Primitive Fire Making Experience

Re-Fire brings you back to the joy of creating fire with your own hands, this project was designed as part of Tempo Italiano, the first festival dedicated to Italian Creativity and design. Francesco Faccin is the industrial designer behind this project, through his creativity, he wanted to offer you manual tools that make you emotionally […]

Smart Mail Box – Safer and Smaller Digital Mailbox

Smart Mail Box – Safer and Smaller Digital Mailbox

Smart Mail Box is a mailbox system to replace our conventional indoor mailbox. When you live in an apartment, you know that the mailbox area features number of boxes next to each other with the apartment’s number, taking unnecessarily broader space as well as causing one’s own mail box difficult to find. Furthermore, the recipient […]

Goodwill goBIN : Donating Textiles Is Easier and More Convenient

Goodwill goBIN : Donating Textiles Is Easier and More Convenient

Donating textiles are becoming easier as dropping a bottle in a recycling bin. Nowadays, people choose to live in apartments instead of houses and use bikes instead of cars. SFGoodwill has come up with a new project, Goodwill goBIN has been designed to serve multi-unit apartment towers to let residents to donate and do good […]


Ember Self-Heating Espresso Cup Makes Your Drink at Perfect Temperature for Up To 1.5 Hours

Ember Self-Heating Espresso Cup offers an ideal size for your espresso-based drinks. This 6oz cup allows you to keep your coffee hot for premium coffee experience. Furthermore, Ember Cup is a smart cup where you can set your preferred drinking temperature, drink your cup of joe just the way you like it. The perfect temperature stays from the first sip to the last drop. Each cup has […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
Omega Outdoor Cooking Table by Edward J. Frame

Omega Outdoor Cooking Table by Edward J. Frame

When summer is here, it would be great to set up Omega Outdoor Cooking Table and enjoy family activities or gathering with your friends outdoor. This cooking table has been designed to combine both the full enjoyment when cooking outdoor while still retain the social aspect of entertaining your guests. Easy to setup as well […]

Life-Light Directional System Leads People To Safe Shelters In An Emergency Situation

Life-Light Directional System Leads People To Safe Shelters In An Emergency Situation

During emergency situation, Life-Light directional system leads people to safe shelters through balloons that inflate from streetlight poles. It will display the most efficient route in disaster situation to ensure we can safe as many people as we can. Usually in unexpected emergency system, vulnerable people are usually those with limited ability to respond quickly […]

Dutchtub Wood for Relaxing and Enjoyable Outdoor Bathing

Dutchtub Wood for Relaxing and Enjoyable Outdoor Bathing

Dutchtub Wood is an award winning hot tub that provides you with comfortable outdoor bathing. Winter is coming, but you still get to enjoy the beauty of outdoor bathing with your friends or family. This tub offers luxury and works pretty simple actually, it is wood fired tub with natural circulation, thanks to its smart […]

LifeCross Traffic Light Pole Can Keep Rescue Equipment and First Aid Kit

LifeCross Traffic Light Pole Can Keep Rescue Equipment and First Aid Kit

Nowadays, car market in China is booming, thanks to many affordable cars made available to Chinese people. This trend also means the increase in traffic accidents. LifeCross traffic light pole has been designed to features a storage space which can be used to keep first aid kit and rescue equipment. Usually traffic accidents occur at […]

Baladéo Float Knife for Outdoor Enthusiasts

Baladéo Float Knife for Outdoor Enthusiasts

Baladéo Float Knife, yes, this is the knife that floats, thanks to its cork construction. It’s an ideal knife for fisherman or any outdoor enthusiasts, this functional gear won’t stay at the bottom of the lake, river, or ocean. This little device also has integrated key ring, you won’t have to feel painful experience watching […]

Kayserius Traffic Light Design for Kayseri, Turkey

Kayserius Traffic Light Design for Kayseri, Turkey

Kayserius traffic light project was inspired by Kayseri, an industrialized city at the heart of Turkey. This city has enjoyed great economic growth in recent years that leads to great city development and renovation. One of great improvements that’s taking place is the city transportation infrastructure and commissioned by the city, this design studio has […]

LinYa Swing Hammock – When Sustainability Meets Cost Efficiency

LinYa Swing Hammock – When Sustainability Meets Cost Efficiency

The LinYa swing hammock is an elegant piece of outdoor furniture designed for the main stream market. The structure of the hammock has been reduced to the maximum not only to minimize the negative impact on our environment, but as well to maximize the cost efficiency regarding production, shipment and storage. The simple tubular joints […]

Closed Watch for Hikers and Mountain Climbers

Closed Watch for Hikers and Mountain Climbers

Closed watch has been designed for hikers and mountain climbers since they have to know what time the sun will set in order to safely descend the slopes. This concept watch displays time as well as informs its user when the sun will set in intuitive way. One of important things to know when mountain […]