Nicely designed Camp Stove is intended to be used for camping. It’s a highly efficient wood-burning stove that uses small sticks and twigs or any other combustibles you can find around the campsite. The principle of the design was based on the rocket-stove principle, collapsible with double-walled construction, thus allowing you to carry this lightweight stove anywhere and cook with minimal use of resources.
Designer : Studio GORM
Camp Stove design consists of 2 parts: combustion chamber and cooking pot. Each part has been designed to provide you with maximum result yet requires only minimal resources. The combustion chamber features specific geometry, a small opening but narrow internal diameter which allows only a limited amount of fuel, in this way, it burns more efficiently and cleanly. The insulating double wall helps in reducing heat loss while keeping the outer surface cooler.
For cooking pot, it’s been designed with double-layered wall that acts as a chimney. It has narrow channel which forces hot air and gas to flow from the bottom to all sides of the cooking vessel, thus making the pot hot in short of time.
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