Keyboardless keyboard, hm…this is a concept that raises an eyebrow. AirType, just like its name suggests, allows you to type on virtually any surface. Why? because typing on mobile device sucks, oh yeah, we all know the pain.
Currently, this innovative device is at early prototype stage, a unique keyboard that fits in the palm of your hand. Thank you to its smart app, it learns the finger movements you make to get the letters that you want. You can type on any surface just like typing on a keyboard and this futuristic device knows each letter that you’re referring to. Actually, it’s more like dynamic text prediction, it adapts to the way you type, there’s no need to change your typing habits. You can clip AirType onto your tablet for easy transport, take it anywhere with you.
From : AirType
Mass produce & test & then for every laptop, tablet around sold with
Air typing should be much easier to design for braille input, there are only six entry keys, plus space, back space, and carriage return. Nine keys–eight fingers and dual thumb action. Typing would be easier if everyone just learned braille input!