Let us introduce you to Yura, a futuristic flying personal bartender. Yes, it’s only a concept guys, but it’s interesting to get to know the idea behind this flying robot. Designed by Herman Haydin, the main idea of Yura is to create a robot that makes cocktails, juices, even coffee or tea just for you. This flying droid takes voice commands or tasks from your smart phone, it is equipped with smart cartridge for liquid that heats or cool cocktail according to your need.
The artificial intelligence of Yura making this robot smart and creative, it has the ability to configure its power settings, navigation map, Wi-Fi, voice commands, mail, and soft downloads. This is the brain that configures temperature of liquid, number of calories, carbohydrates, fat, and protein.
Designer : Herman Haydin
This unit is a self recharging flying robot, the accumulator uses kinetic system that takes kinetic energy from the droid. Each robot is equipped with spherical folding cups, it flies around the house just like a spy chopper, delivering drinks to you after busy day at the office.
R&D & test in locales like Disneyland/World centers,
EPCOT Center FL,
colleges IE CalTech, MIT, USC
cruise ships?
for events.
Room service.