X2 concept car is designed by Yeon-woo Seong, a Korean industrial designer with 4 years experience in automotive industry. This car has been designed with symmetric structure to offer some advantages especially when you are trapped in traffic congestion. Due to symmetric front and rear structure, it is possible for the driver to drive in any direction, anytime.
X2 concept car has been visualized for Shanghai in the future where due to its population growth that affects the traffic growth as well. Parking space will become limited and we have to think creatively to manipulate any available space to accommodate more cars. Therefore, the wheels are designed to enable X2 to rotate 360-degree in just one area. Inspired by 1958 Zundapp Janus, this electric car has been designed with 2 driver’s seat, front and rear, it allows the driver to run this car in any wanted direction. It feels like having 2 cars.
Designer : Yeon-Wu Seong
Id drive this, rent for sure, but needs a Sedan model or SUV type.
Love the 360 rotation element.
Unique for 2 persons, BUT must carry luggage etc to be Usable.
Fine for Urban Use.
Build in EU or Asia.