Freeride Special Needs Trike Helps Develop Balance Skills in Children with Special Needs

Freeride Special Needs Trike Helps Develop Balance Skills in Children with Special Needs

Freeride is a trike that has been designed to children with special needs in order to develop their balance skills. This special trike can be used in 3 different ways: 1. User can be pushed by a parent or guardian to begin with. For first timer, user needs help to move the trike, the “lean-to-turn” […]

Fulcrum Modern Crutch by Arman Kirim

Fulcrum Modern Crutch by Arman Kirim

Fulcrum modern crutch was actually a project for a senior thesis. It’s a stylish and comfortable adjustable crutch that you can usually find in conventional crutches. User can use it as forearm crutch or easily transform it into a cane for the next treatment, there’s no need to buy separate cane. Its wide rubber tip […]


RIMOWA Never Still Canvas Travel Backpack – Luxury Traveling Backpack

RIMOWA Travel Backpack is part of Never Still collection. Just like Flap Backpack, this model is also designed with flexibility in mind. Made in Italy, each bag is crafted out of premium materials such as durable canvas and full-grain leather, it comes with an exterior large zipped pocket where you can keep […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
Kando Backpack Doubles As Tent For Anyone Who Loves Camping Alone

Kando Backpack Doubles As Tent For Anyone Who Loves Camping Alone

If you prefer to travel and camp alone, you shouldn’t travel without Kando backpack. Kando is a combination between an Alpine backpack and one-man tent, dual functions product. These two Swiss industrial designers characterized the perfect interaction of these two components perfectly. The materials and components have been chosen very carefully resulted in drastic volume […]

Velo Modular Handcycle for Wheelchair User Who Wants to Play Sports

Velo Modular Handcycle for Wheelchair User Who Wants to Play Sports

Velo Modular Handcycle for wheelchair user has been designed to facilitate individuals who want to get active or simply want to try to do sports activities. Aimed at Disability sports clubs, Velo features modular interface that offers a fresh look on increasing popular sports for wheelchair users. With The Olympics and Paralympics scheduled for summer […]

SeAngel Helium Rescuing System To Rescue Passengers on A Sinking Ship

SeAngel Helium Rescuing System To Rescue Passengers on A Sinking Ship

SeAngel Helium Rescuing System has been designed to rescue the crew accommodation on a sinking ship. The capsule is activated by pressing a button on the cap. When the cap rises, a built-in lamp illuminates the place of seats in the capsule. At this point, the system fills the dome with helium. User can sit […]

O-Distanced Cooker Hood Provides Healthier and Safer Kitchen Environment

O-Distanced Cooker Hood Provides Healthier and Safer Kitchen Environment

When you cook, you produce airborne grease, smokes, odors and heat in the kitchen, that’s why a range hood is an important device to keep your kitchen clean and smoke-free. O-distanced cooker hood is an arc-shaped range hood that surrounds your cooking pan instead of hanging above the stove. The idea of this design is […]

Divisible User Friendly Balloon Whisk Would Be Easier to Clean and Store

Divisible User Friendly Balloon Whisk Would Be Easier to Clean and Store

Cleaning a balloon whisk can be a bit of challenge, wouldn’t be great if we can disassemble it? This is the main idea behind Divisible user friendly balloon whisk. If you bake or cook a lot, you probably use a balloon whisk once or twice such as whisk egg whites, sauces, or any other mixtures. […]

Swingo Walking Aid : Hands-Free Walking Aid for A Temporary Leg-Injured User

Swingo Walking Aid : Hands-Free Walking Aid for A Temporary Leg-Injured User

Swingo walking aid is an innovative hands-free walking aid for a temporary leg-injured user. I love sports, however, these activities can accidentally damage my leg such as sprains and strains, dislocations, or fractures. Trust me, leg pain affects your daily routine as you need to walk everywhere, but this concept walking aid enables you to […]

DibKit Diabetes Management System To Make The Lives of People with Diabetes Easier

DibKit Diabetes Management System To Make The Lives of People with Diabetes Easier

DibKit diabetes management system has been designed due to skyrocketing health care costs for people with diabetes. This device was designed by people with Diabetes for people with Diabetes and has received red dot award for its high quality concept design. DibKit diabetes management system provides a new way to manage your diabetes care using […]

Seesaw Water Saving Faucet Can Reduce Water Waste in Public Restroom

Seesaw Water Saving Faucet Can Reduce Water Waste in Public Restroom

Seesaw water saving faucet helps reducing water waste in public bathrooms or kitchen sinks. Do you know how much water is wasted while you’re soaping your hands? Normally, people won’t bother to turn off the water while soaping their hands, they let the water run for nothing, thus resulting a large amount of water is […]

Frame-It Adhesive Memo Pad by Pak Kitae

Frame-It Adhesive Memo Pad by Pak Kitae

Frame-It adhesive memo pad has shapes and functions as a modern photo frame. The designer wishes that this product traces all users’ works and can be displayed like an exhibition. We usually just place an adhesive memo pad that contains our notes or sketches on a desk or attached somewhere. Designer : Pak Kitae

Protector Portable Inflator by Jurmol Yao

Protector Portable Inflator by Jurmol Yao

Protector portable inflator concept is one of crucial equipments to have on your bike. There are more things to be aware of when riding a bike at night compared to riding during the day. It also has higher level of risks of having accidents. Protector concept is basically the advanced version of portable inflator. User […]

ReCoil Workout System Is A Combination of A Dumbbell and A Resistance Band

ReCoil Workout System Is A Combination of A Dumbbell and A Resistance Band

The ReCoil Workout System is an innovative design that combines current fitness products into better a fitness tool without additional cost. It combines a dumbbell and a resistance band to offer various weight and length adjustment with mobility. The resistance band is coiled up inside each color coated pod. Each color represents the level of […]

Modular Furniture Design by Krisztián Griz

Modular Furniture Design by Krisztián Griz

This modular furniture design is made of modular bent laminated wood to furnish an interior space. User can design various configurations using these modules, such as a table, sofa, side table, or even a bookshelf. Very smart design, if you take a look at a module of these furniture units, who would have thought you […]

Sorena Foldable Urban Street Bicycle by Mahdi Momeni

Sorena Foldable Urban Street Bicycle by Mahdi Momeni

Sorena foldable urban street bicycle has been designed for both men and women. The sporty design encourages young people to use it, especially for urban street since this bike can be easily folded by unlocking 2 levers using simple mechanism. User can easily carry it while in a train, a bus, or public places to […]