Created as a special desert transportation, Muadib looks like a cruise ship in the middle of desert. This concept transportation is designed for tourists who would be able to enjoy the sun and magnificent desert in comfort while keeping themselves protected from the heat.
The name Muadib came from a fictional species of desert mice in Frank Herbert’s book Dune. There are many beautiful environments on Earth including deserts and other arid places, unfortunately, we can’t visit there due to extreme living conditions. This concept cruiser would allow us to explore some of them.
Designers : Charles Bombardier and Boris Schwarzer
Muadib would ride on four caterpillar tracks, which are designed to adapt to ever-changing sands of the desert. This also means that those tracks would be large enough to support the weight of Muadib, they won’t sink in the sands. The hull of Muadib would be sand resistant and have solar panels to fuel the power grid, there’s a transparent canopy located over the main deck to provide shade and protection from sandstorms. Gas turbine engines are used to drive these four enormous tracks.
Since this futuristic vehicle is designed to move on desert, a cooling system would be vital. The desert can reach over 122-degree F (50-degree C), thanks to this cooling system, pool won’t be heated, Air Conditioning (AC) would regulate airflow, a water collector harvests moisture generated from the AC. Just in case needed, this concept vehicle is also equipped with a drilling system to dig through the sands to pump from underground water sources to refuel the tanks.
Inside this massive machine, there’s an interior garden where crops grow, plants can also help regulate moisture in the air while providing a source of food and shade. Basically, Muadib is designed just like a cruise ship with its features, a recreational vehicle for the desert.
Apps for: MedEvac, Exploration, Expedition, Mobile Hotel, Recon, Mapping, surveying, Support, fire fighting.