Driven by the idea of rehabilitating world’s forests, here’s ambitious attempt to design futuristic Forest Ranger Druids. It’s a conceptual project intended to start a public debate on how we can reduce atmospheric concentration of CO2 which is currently rising at an increasing rate. Forest Ranger Druids project is a line of robotic forest rangers responsible for managing the forest and protect it from harm. Each robot has its own responsibility in managing and preserving the forest.
Chuck robot is in charge of thinning, sawing, and trimming plants and trees. Dickson robot is responsible for reforesting, planting, cuttings, and seedlings. Rico robot is in charge of monitoring, gathering, and analyzing information from the forest.
The roles of Forest Ranger Druids were drawn from researches about common forestry activities. Segev Kaspi also explains that he tried to seek more in-depth understanding of the requirements of the world’s forests. These robotic rangers would operate in different area depending on the needs of the forest, they can function together or as a separate unit. This project demonstrates hybrid connection between nature and technology, these two worlds often perceived as contradictory yet, through this project, it shows that together they might provide solution to a critical issue.