CrickIT is a foldable vehicle concept that offers power-driven alternative for mobility and logistics. It is designed as versatile mean of transport, dedicated for cruising around the city where you can replace your bike when move on pavements or pedestrian paths. CrickIT is easy to handle, it helps you to travel long walking distances without problem and when needed, you can use it as a luggage transport cart, it can support a maximum load weight up to 250kg.
This concept transport aid is also great support for disabled such as people with emphysema or heart-attacked on one hand, drivers/carriers on the other hand. Anyone would be able to benefit from this transportation, simply by pressing a button, this vehicle can turn into a cart to carry your heavy items.
Designed by CONCEPTICON Studio, CrickIT can easily be kept in a truck when folded. In vehicle mode, an ischial sitting helps to maintain a relaxed posture for the spine where user can enjoy ski-like driving, turning the vehicle by leaning on the right or on the left. The handle bar offers good balance and stability while this vehicle moves at the speed of 15km/h. The handlebar can be inverted, then the base platform can be used to support goods to transport.
Mass produce, for rent as rival to Sedgway system, worldwide demand for.
Is this vehicle in production or soon to be? As one with a neck issue I could not use a Segway, but this design I will!!
I live in CANADA and am curious as to what the price point may be?
Keep it up!!