Counting cash manually can be slow and inaccurate at times. Although cash counting machines serve their purpose, individuals would rarely have access to such counting machines. To help people count cash rather quickly, a new concept named Counting Ring has been unveiled. It is a small ring that helps individuals count cash rapidly and precisely by hand by making use of infrared scanning. It features 4 main components including an LED display with a power switch, an infrared scanner, sheet-separating veins together with a battery slot. Counting ring is put on the thumb, which is then used to flip the currency notes.
The LED display acts as a power switch when pressed, showing the number of notes being flipped. The veins are set in such a way that it shows the accurate number of notes being flipped by the ring. Hidden onto the side of the ring is the battery slot that houses a button-shaped battery. The counting ring offers ease in handling and is cheap and portable as well. This greatly increases effectiveness and litheness in currency transactions.
Designers : Wei Hansen, Li Shaochen, Xu Jinrui, Qi Yibin, and Zhao Ying
I wish I needed that product but I don't have that much cash 🙁
Like your design and would like to know if this is a working model
i want to buy this counting ring, send me price and i want to buys bulk quantity so send me details urgent
I want to buy. How i do that ? I live in russia)))
pls inform of website or phone # from which this item can be purchased
many thanks
May I know how can I get it? I’m interested in it. Thanks!
I am from Kolkata India and am very keen on buying the note counting ring. Kindly let me know how and where I can buy this Ring
Please let me know the cost of this product.
Please let me know the cost of this product.i just want to buy this
Hello dear
how to order count ring