Aroma printer prints and captures the smell on your food on a postcard, can you believe that? Well, you probably won’t, it’s only a concept though, but if this device were available, could you imagine that you can share exotic foods, the look and smell, with friends or families while you traveling? A Chinese industrial designer has developed unique concept device to capture image and aroma of a meal on a postcard by using a camera, printer and smell extractor. This concept is part of Sony design competition.
For the love of food and travel, Li Jingxuan was inspired by unique and delicious local food when he travels around. Utilizing an aroma sensor at the top of this device, it analyzes the aroma coming out from the food and simulates it using aroma inks which then stored inside the machine. Once it achieves the similar formula, it prints onto the surface of the postcard. Based on The China Daily, Aroma printer has won “most fun” award in Sony Student Design Workshop 2012, we can see the reasons for that.
Designer : Li Jingxuan
Wonderful !! Now you can have photographs of food items with the delicious smell of the meals. This is totally a new concept for me. Now you can send postcards to your near and dear ones that smells too and it will make the picture more real. Wonderful idea and I must say that Sony has developed a wonderful product, the aroma sensor.