Coral Rasa has been designed to protect world’s coral reefs which have been destroyed by human through unfriendly fishing habits, global climate change, or water pollution. Based on statistic, 20% of world’s coral reefs are gone while 60% of them are under great risk of collapse. Many people still don’t realize why it’s so important to protect coral reefs. Well, besides providing underwater tourism revenue and medications, there are many animals depend on coral reefs to survive, in fact, coral reefs are biologically productive. They occupy only one tenth of one percent of the world’s ocean surface, yet they provide home for one-third of the world’s marine species. Basically if these coral reefs are gone, so will one-third of the world’s marine biodiversity.
Designer : Derek Bennion
Unfortunately, coral reefs are among the least observed and looked after underwater ecosystems in the world. Coral Rasa is a coral reef monitoring device to help improving the protection of coral reefs as well as bring public awareness to the importance and current situation of coral reefs. It’s been designed with 360 degree rotational camera, a hydrophone, a water testing unit and coral bleaching detection. This device is great for environmental organizations, community groups, or even local government. User can place it beneath the coral reef where it allows user to monitor the condition under the sea, the audio and video can be viewed online. Coral Rasa will record all data on its hard disc for later downloading.
How much is it? Is it only for monitoring coral reefs? 😊