This futuristic submarine inspired by a jellyfish as the designer said. Why jellyfish ? Taizo said that he wanted to design a future submarine that would look like a creature in the sea. Passengers will be placed on the top section which let them to have beautiful 360 degrees view from deep blue sea. With hope that we, human can be more connected by the beauty of nature.
Designer : Taizo Doi
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Ideal for Yacht use House in Internal Hull & lower into seafloor OR from fixed Undersea Modules OR Surface fixed Labs
( see: for more info.
Must have gyrosteer & thrusters for movement.
Be neat
Build one for 8 persons.
Have Test Demo dives in HI & Caribbean & Mexico & Belize Blue Hole area.
Sub Rescue?
Marine studies
Escape Pod: attached to Undersea Labs.
install robotic arms for wreck service, rescue, salvage work.
Be real neat.
Use Hydroducted thrusters for movement & have 1 fixed for Main thrust mode fwd.