Mab : An Automated Cleaning System with Hundreds of Micro Robots

Mab : An Automated Cleaning System with Hundreds of Micro Robots

Mab Automated Cleaning System is perfect for busy people who never have the time to clean their house. It features hundreds of micro robots (908 robots to be exact) that will fly around the house and clean every surfaces so that you can escape from everyday chores while experiencing a bit of magic. Each robot […]

ERO Concrete Recycling Robot by Omer Haciomeroglu

ERO Concrete Recycling Robot by Omer Haciomeroglu

Concrete structures are usually destroyed using demolition techniques but this action usually leave you with waste, dust, and wasting a lot of water to prevent the dust blooms during the process. Keeping that in mind, Omer Haciomeroglu has come up with ERO Concrete Recycling Robot to address the issues we have to deal during demolition […]


Retrofuturism Firebird Nixie Tube (Numitron) Watch in Metal Body

Metal body, sapphire crystal, water splash and dust resistance, this retro futuristic Firebird Watch would look handsome on your wrist. Those cool USSR military grade numitron vacuum tubes (“IV-9” 1970s) display time in such a way that would make people stare in awe. The watch body is crafted from […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
BionicOpter Robotic Dragonfly Was Inspired by Complex Flight Characteristics of A Dragonfly

BionicOpter Robotic Dragonfly Was Inspired by Complex Flight Characteristics of A Dragonfly

Dragonfly has complex flight characteristics, and Festo has managed to incorporate these sophisticated mechanisms into BionicOpter robotic dragonfly. Just like a real dragonfly, this robot is extremely light, can fly in all directions, hover in mid-air and glide without beating its wings. In order to control flapping frequency and twisting of each wing, there’s amplitude […]

Silverback Robot : An Ape-Like Robot by Jason Falconer

Silverback Robot : An Ape-Like Robot by Jason Falconer

Silverback robot is a conceptual robot designed by Jason Falconer for Icarus Technology’s bid to enter DARPA’s Robotics Challenge. The challenge (slated for 2014) will require a robot to drive a vehicle, open doors, climb ladders, and use power tools (among other tasks). While most of the robots entering the challenge will likely be humanoid […]

MediRobot : Medical Robot Assistant Lifts and Transfers Patients Easily

MediRobot : Medical Robot Assistant Lifts and Transfers Patients Easily

Transferring patients from bed to wheelchair or vice versa can be pretty difficult. Medirobot or Medical Robot Assistant can intuitively transfer patients in hospital efficiently without the need of an extra wheelchair. This robot lifts patients easily, it will drastically reduce physical efforts for the caregiver. Doctors and nurses can read any crucial patient’s health […]

Gymbot Personal Trainer Robot Promotes Healthy Lifestyle and Healthier Weight

Gymbot Personal Trainer Robot Promotes Healthy Lifestyle and Healthier Weight

Presented at ICSR 2011 design award, Gymbot Personal Trainer Robot drew attention from many practitioners. Massimo Battaglia has come up with interesting scenario for the year of 2020 where obesity in developed countries would still be a big issue. Adults and young people do not maintain good balance between their body and food, they don’t […]

Alianoid Humidifier : Outer Space Robot That Increases Humidity in A Room

Alianoid Humidifier : Outer Space Robot That Increases Humidity in A Room

The mysterious alien has landed on our inbox, well not really an alien, it’s actually a humidifier called Alianoid humidifier. This unit has been designed to look like an outer space robot where moisture comes from injection holes that are located at both sides of the head, you know, as if the robot is in […]


Blues Box Guitar System Helps You Learn Authentic American Blues

Craft your music with Blues Box Guitar System, you will experience joy and satisfaction while playing. This guitar system has everything you need to play authentic American Blues, it is a 3-string fretless cigar box guitar with instructional CD, a glass slide, and 32-page instruction book. It’s a great instrument for beginners as there are no complicated […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
Futuristic Exclamation Marky Flying Robot

Futuristic Exclamation Marky Flying Robot

Exclamation Marky Flying Robot was the first creative work of young office “Form & Drang” in Leipzig, Germany. It is actually a mascot to symbolize futuristic, quickness, youthful energy, enthusiasm, and action. The client demanded the mascot represents all that symbols in exclamation point!. That’s why the robot looks like flying exclamation mark. During the […]

Nanophea Robot Vacuum Cleaner by Zaier Jihed

Nanophea Robot Vacuum Cleaner by Zaier Jihed

Nanophea Robot vacuum cleaner is a domestic floor cleaning robot, futuristic, autonomous and very intelligent. It’s not like the other existing robotic cleaners because it works only on nano surfaces covering with a very little amount of water. This unit uses nano-technology (Nano Lotus Effect) to make cleaning easier in the future. The Nanophea design […]

Robo TAP Cleaner by Gyu Ha Choi Is Your Future Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Robo TAP Cleaner by Gyu Ha Choi Is Your Future Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Finding it difficult to carry that hefty vacuum cleaner to clear out the mess? Looking out for a smarter solution? Well, you’ve landed on the right place. Check out the new Robo TAP Cleaner – a smart evolution of an automatic vacuum cleaner that is used to clear out the mess from a targeted area. […]

Don-8r Cute Small Fund Raising Robot Connects with People in Fun Manner

Don-8r Cute Small Fund Raising Robot Connects with People in Fun Manner

DON-8r is unlike other robots. Pronounced as ‘donator’, it is a miniature robot being capable of traveling in public places to collect coins from fellow passers-by. The main source of power for the robot to keep moving is the donation that each passers-by offer. DON-8r goes directly towards a chosen charity trust. Taking its inspiration […]

LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0 Review

LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0 Review

LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 is combining the versatility of the LEGO building system with a microcomputer brick and intuitive programming software, this building kit enables you to construct robots that see, speak, feel, and move. This robotics tool set features everything you need to create and program your first robot in approximately one hour. If […]

Roomba 560 Vacuuming Robot from iRobot Review

Roomba 560 Vacuuming Robot from iRobot Review

After being persistently recommended by my friend I finally bought the new Roomba 560 about three months back, and must admit that it was a wise decision. As they say that good things come in small packages, this little powerhouse is something that I will recommend as a must have for all you working people […]