Blend XR Glasses Concept for Possible Interaction Between Two Universes in Real-Time Without Limitation

Blend XR Glasses Concept for Possible Interaction Between Two Universes in Real-Time Without Limitation

Blend is a set of concept XR glasses, created for interaction between 2 universes. It’s more than VR glasses. VR Glasses do offer immersive experience but they also come at the cost of being completely cut off from your surroundings, eliminating interaction, and looking awkward. Seriously waving your arms while wearing a device that looks […]

Power Tap (P-Tap) Technology for Wireless Future

Power Tap (P-Tap) Technology for Wireless Future

No more wires. Cohda Design believes the future is wireless, the company has developed an innovative system to deliver power through glass invisibly. Power-Tap (P-Tap) utilizes transparent conductive coatings to transfer power to any device, no wires required. Basically, P-Tap is a transparent lamination of conductive and non-conductive glass with smart arrangement that allows power […]


Hand-Crafted Leather Tools Roll Bag with 11 Slots and a Metal Buckle

Leather Tools Roll Bag is a functional organizer for handyman. Build to last, this bag would organize your treasured tools in a quality, hand-crafted leather bag. The roll bag is designed to carry a heavy load, there are multiple slots (11 slots) that accommodate different tools, keeping them organized and easy-to-access whenever and wherever you need them. Those cover flaps help prevent […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
Hyundai Unveils Futuristic Hyundai TIGER Ultimate Mobility Vehicle Concept

Hyundai Unveils Futuristic Hyundai TIGER Ultimate Mobility Vehicle Concept

Hyundai Motor Group has unveiled TIGER (Transforming Intelligent Ground Excursion Robot) that aims to become Hyundai’s second ultimate mobility vehicle a.k.a UMV. It’s a concept smart robot vehicle designed to carry various types of payload while traveling over challenging terrain. The studio that is developing TIGER is New Horizons Studio, a Hyundai Motor Group’s studio […]

exii Hackberry Offers You a 3D Printed Bionic Hand

exii Hackberry Offers You a 3D Printed Bionic Hand

HACKberry is an open sourced 3D printed bionic hand where everyone all over the world is welcome to develop this prototype. The name itself came from Hackberries, a species of trees that is included in the elm family, it has the ability to grow many branches. This name represents the vision behind this project, it […]

Loupe Concept Remote Control : Smart Future Technology for Older Generations

Loupe Concept Remote Control : Smart Future Technology for Older Generations

Loupe is a new generation concept remote control of a smart TV. The design focuses on creating a “Telefriend”, opposite to the simple-minded mechanical “Telecommande” of today. This futuristic remote is the user’s highly personalized friend, following the trend of individualized “smart” technologies and devices. The main idea is a “magnifying glass”, a remote that […]

Relevo PC by David Alabau Raga

Relevo PC by David Alabau Raga

Have you ever imagined that future computer might look like a tablecloth? Relevo computer by David Alabau Raga is a tablecloth PC that can connect to each other. The screen magnetizes the edge when Relevo connects with the other one. You’ll be able to carry your 15″ computer in your pocket as a tube. Designer […]