The Mars Exploration Vehicle (M.E.V.) is a visionary mobility concept, which has been designed for the needs of future Martian scientists in 2055. The vehicle’s design aims to keep the passengers safe while exploring the rough Mars terrain. The MEV’s body consists of solid walls, which are filled with iron based Mars sand to shield the deadly radiation. Thinking of culling out safety hazards, this futuristic vehicle uses high-resolution cameras surrounding the body instead of windows. Most of the parts can be 3D printed on Mars which will not just kill the enormous transportation costs but also makes maintenance more feasible and easier. The efficient solar panel system on the vehicle’s roof is gaining enough power to support engine and the electrical systems for days.
The assembling of the vehicle can be divided into 3 parts: the body, the chassis, and the track system. The interior of the body is the main workspace for two passengers. The surroundings outside are projected with modern sensor technology on screens inside the vehicle where passengers can retrieve and process the information on the screens with hand gestures.
Designers : Lucas Fonfara, Janos Gerasch, and Felix Miletzki
The M.E.V. drive-system is made to explore unfamiliar terrain. It is able to balance his stance out while driving, this feature enables passengers to work simultaneously. The M.E.V. has both manual and autonomic drive system, it includes four tracks with individual motors. A Single track is made of a body, the electronic system and the track-segments. Because of the environmental circumstances, it is important to simply maintain the track-system, this enable passengers to print a new segment on board, in case of emergency.
To create a comfortable working space and to secure the fragile probes on board, we need to come up with a new kind of suspension. This suspension system is not based on normal metal springs, it is a 3D printed web structure mattress that is located between the main body and its chassis. With a 3D printer on board the scientists are able to replace broken parts like continuous tracks or springs very quickly. This enables the crew to stay self-sufficient on their exploration tours.
More images of M.E.V Exploration Track Vehicle for Mars:
Test in Arctic, So Pole, No Africa, Mongolia, Brazil, SW US, CO WY No CA & then use on Moon & later Mars