A cool set of accessory for geeks, DIY Nixie Tube Clock Kit. Well, you might think those nixie tubes are so lame, they are the LEDs of yesteryear, but some of us are still looking for these cool tubes. They can display digits on scientific equipment, counters, voltmeters, and control panels, even though they are no longer in production, you can own this limited edition DIY kit that allows you to build your own Nixie Tube clock.
Even though this set is a Do-It-Yourself kit, don’t let this idea gets you down, if you put your heart to it and solder, you might end up with bright, cool tube clock in front of you. this set displays time in : HH:MM, MM:SS, and DD:MM format, you get to choose 12h/24h display mode, it even comes with an alarm function. We must warn you though, there are many little parts, you need to be able to read a schematic and wield a soldering iron, otherwise, this kit might not be suitable for you. You can browse eBay and Etsy for variety of styles and features.