The Smart baby case can be visualized to that of a pregnant mother on her 40th week or like a chicken’s egg. This case functions as a temporary protection to your baby once the baby is in the real world, letting us say that we love them. Believe it or not, your baby is still longing for the warmness of your body, which can be felt from your touch or during the time the baby is inside your womb. You might feel uncomfortable with this case due to the fact that it appears like an incubator, which is really hot inside. But honestly it will let the baby feel good; it’s like the feeling when your mom hugs you. This baby case will come in handy when you and your baby are in a polluted environment, you can keep your baby safe and warm just for few hours. Smart baby case features removable door like any other baby case.
Designer : Pouyan Mokhtarani
you are sick. this is torture. i believe this guy doesn't have any kids, or he is just mentaly unacapable.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
I hear a conservanut, maybe it's just me though.
Anyways, this is a great idea. It brings back the feeling of being in the womb or close to the mother for the baby and is pollution free. It would be great in hospitals.
Why do you think that is a great idea? Puting a child in an egg like suit case is just wrong.
might cause baby to have claustrophobia
I find it kind of scary…
Good job!!!!!!!!!!!
The luggage handle is AWESOME!!! HAHA
This is the crapest thing i have ever seen in my lfe how harsh is it to put a baby in a egg which looks like a suticase how harsh can someone be. Who ever invented this should feel think as hell.!!!!!!!!
Good for you!!!!!
Dumbass is right!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the matrix baby!
This case could be very useful for mothers living in large cities using public transportation. This case would control air quality for infants traveling around. It could also be much safer that using a typical stroller. I would feel much more comfortable taking my infant on a crowded subway knowing that his/her head and spine were completely protected in the case. I think that the unappealing side of this case is its appearance. It does look like you are putting your child in suitcase and wheeling it around. I think if you can look past the outward design and focus on its benefits opinions would change.
Could this prevent best stroke deaths for children forgotten in vehicles?