Running out of clean drinking water while you are hiking/camping? Or maybe you are in the middle of an emergency situation such as natural disaster. There maybe a river or a lake around you, but the water may not be drinkable. This is why Purisoo was invented.
Purisoo is a portable purifier water bottle, it pumps to purify, you can just purify water anytime, anywhere. The filter is reusable, it allows you and your family to consume any contaminated water while traveling, trekking, or during disasters.
You can use Purisoo as part of emergency kit. Using manual pumping, you can purify any fresh water source into clean, potable water. The filter removes any parasites, protozoa, bacterias, or debris from the water to keep you safe. Thanks to its pumping technology, you can purify even from a shallow water source, travel to foreign places, you can easily purify the tap water, so don’t forget to pack a Purisoo in your travel bag. The replaceable filters can purify up to 1,000 liters or water, so don’t be afraid to share your purified water.