Made in USA, DSA Astrolokeys Keycaps are designed based on constellations of the Zodiac. Zodiac signs are determined by the Sun’s position in astrology signs of the zodiac. As the sun moves from one sign to another approximately in one month, some people believe that our birth month can be linked to a Zodiac sign that plays important role in determining our personality, fortune, and ambitions on Earth.
Designed by Sailorhg & Cassidoo, this Astrolokeys Keycaps are designed in combination with pastel colors such as yellow, pink, purple, and white. It’s a colorful caps where the base kit comes with 104 keys and represents all sings in the Zodiac. There’s no need to mix and match with different kits to fit your fullsize keyboard.
Even though you don’t believe in astrology, you can still benefit from these keycaps. Each cap is produced by Signature Plastics, made from durable doubleshot ABS plastic with legends that won’t fade away. [Buy It Here]