This futuristic spaceship has been designed specifically for researchers. This is a passion project from Evgeny Park and Vladislav Solovjov, the idea was to create a spaceship that could fly in space and atmosphere, at the same time, it can carry up to 15 passengers and crews. The design should feature minimalist approach and outstanding performance. You can read more details from the designers below (based on last image):
1. So after creating couple rough shapes we decided to stick with last one, which was already looking more like a sports car. After that i was starting looking for right references here is just small part of them.
2. On that stage I tested movable parts such as door, engines on front and back of the ship.
3. Next, I tried to plan interior of the ship because it was important part of the overall design
4. Here, I recreated main shape of the ship with proper topology
5/6. After that i just started adding details. Actually it was easy and fun to do
7/8/9. so i continued adding more and more details till it was finish. The process itself was pretty straightforward and simple.
Designers : Evgeny Park and Vladislav Solovjov
More images of Futuristic Spaceship for Researchers: